spot, ten miles further up the creek near the residence of one of the young ladies in school, who has invited me to go home with her next week Friday, visit it, stay over Sunday, and return Mond. morn. I anticipate great pleasure in the excursion. I shall be obliged to go through the tedium and mummery of a public examination in just three weeks from to day then five weeks vacation, to which I am looking forward with some pleasure. School continues pleasant not very fatiguing: we have not had any warm weather yet,- a great deal of rain the last two weeks. I like the dress Lizzie brought me very much have made my mantelle after that pattern with a little alteration about the arms: there was long enough to go around, and a second row from the arms: very pretty and really elegant. My own I shall not have made until fall. I have a new thin straw bonnet cap crown purchased at Buffalo price 2.00 lined and trimmed it myself with light green press crape which you saw that I had last summer: so the 'preceptress' looks quite respectable.- (Lizzie flourished in her velvet jacket)- For that beautiful flannel I very much thank you my loving and inveterately industrious sister, do'nt know as I shall dare wear it: Festus is a dear little book- though wicked enough, it contains many gems of thought: I am much obliged for it, While Isaac was here I bought 'Bards of the Bible' by Gilfillan:- a reprint of an English works, costing only 50 or, 62 1/2: wish you would