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Ann July last March I am at a loss to know why she has been silent to me so long. I am out of conceit with Dr. Pomroy. Do'nt know as I shall call to see them at all, because he did not wait to see me at Chicago. Tell Lizzie Doe when you see her that I have been on the point of writing her for some time to ask how and by what means I have lost her favor, so as to be entirely forgotten by her this long time, shall hope to complain to her in person eve long. I have been talking with Mr. H. about my journey; he tells me of a route I can take quite a direct, he thinks with little if any more expense. From Zanesville to take the great national road to Pittsburgh Ohio thence by railroad by way of Philadelphia, to New York and Boston- thus avoiding the stormy lake Erie more to be dreaded than any other, and best of all, giving me a view - though a bird's eye one - of the beautiful scenery of Penn.- the cities of Phil. & New York: I should enjoy it very much with good company and protection but feel as if It would be some what hazardous to attempt it alone. Probably, however I could find someone at Zanesville going to Philadelphia.- Pleasant as this scheme is, it is doubtless a chimerical one, unless Eliab was here to go with me: I suppose the greatest objection he would have, would be the expense, yet he probably would feel is less now than ever again, & he means to see the West sometime can spare it without inconvenience and soon replace it, it would not be like drawing upon his capital when in business. One thing however, if he should come and at a favourable season become acquainted with the business advantage this region affords I have little doubt he would wish to stay and I do not feel like having any of my friends live here. I am glad I came west, think my

[right side of letter] past two years experience will be useful to me

Template:Left side of letter Will Samuel please excuse my not writing to him in an answer to two or three short but most welcome favours from his pen? I am much pressed for time just now and besides have nothing worth writing