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and Mississippi river with New Orleans: it is but 17 years since the first house was built in it and that as a military station, - it is now the greatest wheat market in the world has a large trade in lumber from Michigan across the lake. I suppose that if Samuel and Eliab with their business talents & knowledge of the lumber trade, were to establish themselves there, or in any of these lake posts they might become princes in wealth in companion with some other things. I do'nt know as I shall hardly forgive it in Mr. Furber that he did not go home this way: he might have gone as quick and without much if any more expense and have had the pleasure of seeing all these flourishing lake towns. I think when I return I shall take the railroad across the country rather than to go around the lakes. The weather has been cold and extremely dry all the spring: no rain fell for six week, every thing was parched; there was a hard frost the last of May:- the tree put out slowly with leaves sere and yellow,;- in the last two weeks, we have had showers, and warm weather, and vegetation has come on with a most rapid pace. We had radishes and lettuce, currants and strawberries are coming rapidly forward. The minority who follow Mr. H. are building a meeting house;- He preaches a morning service only at the Court House without any salary; a great deal of bitterness is felt against him on the part of some. He is imprudent in speaking, warm and impulsive in his feelings, fearless and independent in speaking, sometimes

Template:Side of letter we have strawberries every night for tea almost, from a neighbours garden, plenty black raspberries coming on. I am glad you have so good a gardens wish I could be there.