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13 stopped to rest we bidding a final adieu to the country. Went to San Francisco. Found the little bay city I had left metamorphered into a city of fine brick and wooden tenements - with planked streets and busy crowds. Surely California during its 2 first years was a land of magic. Embarked in the Brig Wyandott Capt Bush and landed on these Islands Feb 1851. Surely like a fresher these Pacific winds blow me hither and thither. In what land in among what strange people may then not find me O my Berth Say in another year. I have been troubled about many things during the past year. Business Connections do not work out to my advantage. My Contract with Dr Newcomb expired last January - now have I been at all advantaged by our partnership. Knat shall I do cut the cord entirely that binds us - or still hang to trim us a demur resort for the future. This is the query of this year. As a business man, I have prospered the fast year above all others. Prospects brighten with me - and I hope the tide of misfortune has turned - and the day draws nigh when my labor shall give me a reward. This is the first year I ever had money at interest. I have put out $500. It makes me feel quite rich. I hope the coming year to lay the foundation of a fortune. Such O my soul is thy condition and prospects on this the 29th year of thy existence. Still adding year to year, but not adding as fast - then enduralls riches that shall not finish with earth. What shall be thy reflections - when thy 2000th year shall be reached - No more thoughts of money or fame or friends then - and impenetrable veil hides thy reflections from my imagination - May I so live this year that at my next Birth day - I may have a better account to give thee