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79 Capt Wetzel has been in this evening. He came near loosing his life to day - trying to cross the North Fork. His companion Jay was drowned. Their canoe was overturned - and though the Capt had a life preserver on - the eddy drew him under twice - and like to have finished him. I had thought a swimmer might have a chance for his life - but I find in these rapid streams - the current - sucking round the rocks - draws one under. Capt - feels deeply at the sudden death of Jay - and grateful that his own life was spared. O thou California! Thou art responsible for many lives. Yesterday we walked out to a neighboring hill. The plain around I saw was full of pools of standing water. It was a curious sight - though not very pleasing. The granite acts as an immense basin - holding the rains - and the soil which is not more then five to eight feet deep - lies in it completely soaked. It is soft - miry - in many places a man even cannot walk without sinking. I fear this moist land in the Spring. The hot sun - will create it into a vast vapour bath - and I fear fevers and death our lurking there - for many a miner. O! let it not be me - for death in this distant and forgetting land - is oppressive to my feelings. "May you die among your friends.! We called at the log house of the Texian farmer. He has chalked himself out a lot - and intends putting in his seed in February. "I'll bet a bullet" said he "I'll raise the pittiest wheat and corn you ever see." - "I know all about countries with the summer droughts!" He spoke of the jolly times they had coming across the country - eight or nine fanaingow - among their caravan - his two daughters - stout and comely - looked like the lassies of a pioneer.

Friday December 28th 1849. The long storm is again checked - Sunshine - Wind from the North. Christmas passed uncheerily. There was a dance across the run - Nutoma turned out his entire stock of females. Fee sick - fear I am going to have an attack of fever. The atmosphere must be much rarified. I have felt much oppresion in breathing - as have also sevearl of my friends during the few past days.