57 Wednesday November 21st 1849. Rain again. Much water has fallen during the night and day. Business for the morning - making peach pies - and Gingerbread. I have become quite an adept in cooking. Several have called on me for lessons. An offer of $300 per month was offered me to act in this department over at the Eating house. Quite a new profession this would be for me. This afternoon we rocked out $3.00 - amid the pauses of the rain. Some miners who started yesterday morning to go up to the mills - had only advanced 2 miles with their teams - by this day noon. They walked back and dined here. Another party who bought a team - and started for Amado Creik - spent a week on the road - advanced 4 miles and gave up in despair. Went up to Munins Store Tent. He is a speciman of a man. Full of bombust - and show. We visited him for amusement. Among other conveniences we miners enjoy is that of getting our letters. Warren offers to get them from the office at San Francisco - at $1.00 per letter beside the postage. Should it chance to be double $2.00 beside the postage 80 cts. This he calls justice - we joined issue on the point - but he has the advantage. He has business down to the seaport - we none. Our first introduction to Warren was laugahable. We were taking our dinner - seated on the ground. When he came into the place. Riding at the head of his company - who were trudging along with their teams - he came up the hill - stately and with looks of self - complacency - which spoke his inward self-satisfaction. "Jackson" cried he - "you go on and search out some tent stakes - that no time he lost. Here Bernar - be ready to help when the teams ascend the hill". All his orders - were stentorian as a colonel to his regiment - and accompanied with a majestic wave of the hand. Passing him - we bowed which he returned with much motion. "From whence do you come"? From Boston - just arrived in the ship Sweden? This speech was accompanied with a profound gesture - a graceful bow - and a smile of superlative complacency. We instantly dubbed him Napolean.