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Where we are to meet some fellow passengers and here we are to make it our head quarters while in New York. -- / at 12 N. today, we were in Lat 39-52-North -- Long 73-58-West -- 39. miles from N York distance this 24. hours 272 miles -- / 2172 miles from Aspinwall to New York as pr mn, of our Boat -- --- as there no chance for me to leave here for Boston tonight -- I may remain here in N York, one day, as my fellow passenger, and room mate Mr Quinton, is very anxious to have me strikeout -- as he has business to keep him here one day, and will then accompany me on to, Boston -- he, is going as far East as New Brunswic -- have promised him I would stop one day, or, till Wednesday morning. -- Tuesday Dec 26h. -- A Splendid morning -- a white frost to be seen, this morning -- / not cold Tho / found several of our passengers at the breakfast table this morning -- called on some during the day -- and also called on E D E Greene & Sisters -- clouded up about 2 Pm -- I telegraphed him to Henry, in Boston, informing him of my arrival in New York -- and that would be home tomorrow. --