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7 to winter Quarters Ferry crossed in afternoon camped on west bank of the Missouri rained thunder & lightning Wed June 1 cloudy rained warm N.W. struck tent at 5 A.M. traveled over high rolling pararie stoped for beakfast on pararie Traveled 12 miles & camped on the 40 ft? 28 unclear (Jasper) creek at 7 P.M. Thu 2 cloudy & clear cool Wind W.N.W. at Papea c? {Pea Creek?} on the account of high water made a bridge Mormons crossed first camped on opposite banke in company with two teams foll? Friday 3 cloudy & clea cool Wind N.W. struck 5 1/2 A.M. traveled over high rolling pararie to Elk Horn R? ^ 30 m rapid 10 rods wide low ground heavy? road camped on pararie 8 m. good camping no wood Sat 4 cloudy & clear cool Wind S.E. struck tent 6 1/2 A.M. 4 mils heavy road & came to hard ground good road timber 15 m ^ unclear from