other, some times down toward, the water the hair of the head, as fast as they could cut word, then the other party would have the better cut word run with him another way, my master woke to the other Indians, and told them to take fellow out of their hand, for he believed cut word would certainly murther him in a verey short time. I seeing the squaws comming towards cut word endeavoured to hall on my stockings as soon as possible, for I dreaded my legs more than any thing else, that was at that time so sore, in sitting in the connew in the cut word that I could scarsely stand upon them, as soon as the squaws approached near me, my master spoke something in Indian, in a verey harsh? manner that caused them to stope in their persuit, and returned to the rest and cut word the Indian, they got hold of first up cut word their village. when my master saw the way? was clear, they whent up to their village, and we was conducted to the Capts camp with me and all the rest of the prisoners except