From Newberry Transcribe
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Saturday the 15th of June 1745 This day early in the morning we began to make preperation for our departure the place where we incamped was in a sandy cove, behind a point of land cut word sheltered us from the sea. They supposed it most convenient for us, to be as expeditions as possible, and make the best our way, as we was in connews, and could go but slowly we imbarqued verey early in the morning, in expectation the General and those behind us could soon overtake us, as soon as we where imbarqued and turned the point. we saw three sail of sloops but a small distance from us, made directly for us, there was great disputing amongst them, some Sd they was French vessells bound for Luisbourg with provissions, and others they was English my Indian Master asked me my opinion of them told him I could not tell what they was but I believed they was English, and I thought knew one of them which was Capt Donhahew.