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to lay down our bagage and make preparation for our nights repose, at this place we killed several oxen for our subsistance for that night and for our journey to menus, every Indian and French man seemed exceedingly imbarrased and as much business as they could by any means dispence with, all hands roasting meat in all parts of our camps. the poor cattle was no sooner shot down, even before they where slayed but they came with their knives, and each man cut his peice when he thought proper without any manner of regard either to decency or neatness after they had constrained me to eat about three times as much as I had any manner of appetite to , my master told me to say? if I could make me a spoon, and gave me hatchet and told me he would assist me in cut word he said there was nothing more necessary for me to be furnished with in my march, his orders I quickly obeyed, and finished my spoon with so much distarity?, that my master was verey well pleased with me, and told me he hoped I should make as good a heron as one John Honewell