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Of the Chief of men of the nation who had command of a casge force in the west. Woerankwa was besieged and the Tartan having taken the father of W prisoner. The threatened to put lerion to death if W did no surrender. The old man extorted his son to hoed out and he was accordingly put to death by the rebels. W. called in the anislaves of the Manchow Tartan. The Manchows soon united the rebels and their leader fidning it convenient accordingly usupred the throne. on which his lace has ever since sat. This emperor is suel vig letting a long tail hair clown their backs. This show ar once the strength of his government for it takes a powerful government to put down old customs. Kang-Hy was the greates on of the present dynasty. On his death the whole nation 360,000,000 of inhabitants were ordered not to shave for 100 days to take off all orniments and not to bear on any musical instruments for that time the despatch was united in blue ink which is true imperial mourning color. The present emperor of China is called touguong or the Glory of reason. Not long since he very treacherously murdered a Zoring Mohometan prince who was on a brick to Pekins, there are many search souchen thro China The Triad society is one that has for its object the euphoria of the Tartan race is muck teared Figih power is great. A few years since there was a great rebellion formora but it was instantly qulled for Sald the Triad socety the time has not come. So that we may consider it at Youquong sits on a very insecure seat. Paturnal Authority is the model of the Chinese rule. The Emperor is the Father of the Empire, tehe Vicerog is Father of his province manderine of his change of 100 houses. a father is father of his family. Each one inside their home to his superior for the conduct of those under his charge. the son is responsible to his father. The father to the manderine the manderine to the Viceroy.The viceroy to the Emperor and the Emperor is responsible to god and the whole nation for the conduct of the nation. They carry this principle so far that a father is sometimes put to death for the crimes of his son to rebel against one parents is a capital crime and is punished with death. In the Leign of yuante the marriage this as refused he accordingly murdered. China enad forced the celestial brother of the sun and moon to give him the Peerly Chaukoon who was celebrated throughout the empire for her beauty and was united for the Emperor. This forms the subject of a choice.