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This is the famous pepper coast whence all the best pepper is brought from. the Americans have almost monopolized the trade and furnish both Europe and America with pepper. The scenery around this place is very pretty for the high lands give it a grand imposing air that makes one remember such places. The Natives along this coast are the most treacherous rascals known they are all robbers and pirates and fear neither god nor devil the only thing that keep them under is the fear of a white mans cutlass or guns. When brought into action by white men they are the greatest cowards, and will never engage unless they have about two to one. The Merchent [sic] Men go well armed and with men and officers are always prepared with bowie knikes [sic] and pistols. Some years ago an American vessel touched in at Muckie the Natives prepared to attack her and as soon as her crew got ashore to weigh pepper the Malays put off attacked her and took her killing every one on board but the Mate with 6 Men were ashore well armed he saw and heared [sic] the firing so he shoved off boarded her drove the Malays over the bows killing about half of them whilst in the Water the sharks ate about half of the survivors. since then they have kept shy of Americans and english vessels. for we are so much stronger than the Malays that that [sic] an American is a match for two or three of them at least. The Capt sent on shore for the head Rajahs to Come off this they did the Capt took them in the Cabin and had a long talk with them threatening that if ever they insulted an American ship that he would return and hang their Rajahs in the nearest tree. They promised to keep the peace with the Americans &c which I think they will do for the Yankee Capts are always ready for them. Tho there is no trusting them for they are so treacherous. An American Capt had a head Rajah as his friend and did a great deal of business with him. Whilst weighing out pepper one day, the Capt was attacked and stabbed. he ran to this Rajah for protection as his friend but his friend the Rajah stabed [sic] him to the heart after this the rest of the crew were massacred the ship robbed and burned. There is a peculiar kind of knife these devils wear called the Kreese or Creese. it is a crooked knife and is normally poisoned. They never go without one. in the interior of the isle tis said are lare [sic] forests of Camphor trees and besides, there many other kinds of curious and useful woods. from here is got the Gum Benjamin which is burned in Catholic Churches. Sandal and Ebony wood is also very common. The Religion of these people is Mostly Mahometan tho there are many pagans and some who believe in No god but that all happened so their laws are founded on this principal viz Might is right. The island is full of wild animals of which the hog is the Most Numerous. Wild buffaloes of a peculiar kind called the mud buffaloes are very common. They are a singular kind of cow or bull having no hair on them but almost black their horns lay back and are very long. they are some what the nature of the hippopotamus for they lay in the mud with nothing but their nose sticking out. Sometimes the Natives of one town sends a challenge to those of another [crossed out: and say that] to fight buffaloes. after a great deal of talk and a great deal of betting they are at last brought together the commence by backing off about a hundred yards and running together - head on the rebound sometimes bings them over on their backs or breaks their necks. they keep on this way until one or the other is whiped [sic] or killed then the Natives get to quarrelling on the strength of it and some refuse to pay bets until they get to fighting and there is a war between the two towns. in the evening when the land breeze blows off shore the air is filled with pleasant perfumes of all kinds. the Mountain sides are said to be entirely covered with Spicey woods &c. Cinnamon is said to be plenty tho I saw none of it. Hog isle is a large isle to the W' of Sumatra from whence the Malays bring their slaves. the people inhabiting it are said to be in a deplorable state of barbarism. Jany 6 sailed the