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and ordered the Portuguese garrison to surrender this they refused upon which the sultan attacked the place on two sides at once. at first they were repelled for the Portuguese knew their fate if he succeeded the next day he again tried it on all sides. it was a long well fought battle the Portuguese stood to their guns till the last. the Musslemen had made scaling ladders of bamboo. these they fixed on the walls but the Portuguese threw them down men and all, but the Arabs were soon up and at it again. but now the Portuguese had began to grow weaker Many of their guns could not be worked for want of Men and the Arabs growing more furious again attempted scaling. this time tho gallantly opposed they succeeded the Portuguese were slaughtered like sheep, and few were spared to tell the tale. The shot holes of this battle or siege can still be seen for the Arabs are to lazy to stop them up. and around the ramparts and embrazures where the guns were worked a Mans hand can not be laid without covering up a shot hole of some kind. Ben Suntan was well paid for his trouble for he found an immense treasure of gold dust and ivory which they hd collected to send home. He was on the point of sending an expedition agains Mozambique when he died. his brother usurped the throne. The rest is already known. The laws in the Sultans empire or dominions are still in a primative [sic] state. The law for Murder is to kill the Murderer with the same Wepon [sic] and in a simalar [sic] Manner stealing is punished with imprisonment or flogging or death, Virtue is very uncommon amongst the Women, so their husbands keep them locked up and never allow them to go out without their veils. Some of the Arab women are quite pretty, tho dark but not near as dark as the men some of them were kind enough to unmask themselves to us poor devils of Americans. it was quite a treat for none of us had even seen a pretty woman since leaving Rio and those at Rio were none of the prettiest. The Men wear either long swords some of them double handed or else with a crooked keen knife which would have been a dangerous wepon [sic] in close combat. Some of them we found to be great rascals. There was one who called him self Rajab he was a long tall fellow quite handsome and very intelligent he had been to America in a ship which was bound to Boston. he was delighted with every thing he saw. his description of the steam Boats and Rail Cars were laughable, I asked him if he saw steam boats oh yes. me see go like hell big smoke wheel go round so fast make big noise no wind ah think he devil. Me see rail Road too. him burn like devil. go like hell. No horse go faster horse Arab man on horse no catch him. Me get on one me loose my turban when no stop go quick [?cum?] fast. American man no make me pay. go to New York big town fine city pretty ladies no got de veil on. (then lowering his voice he whispered so that the other Arabs could not hear him) heap prettier than any sultans wives. Yes streets full streets broad like river all full folks horses. carriages. ebery ting. More in one house dare than in all Zanzibar. I come back tell fader me. he take stick beat my head for lie. say boat cant go without sail. wagon no go without camel or horse or bull. I tell every body. every body tell me that I tell lies. yes, say I lie, this fellow understood something of the laws of trade so he went around and tried to buy up all the fruit and vegetable chickens &c for sale to raise the