As for the rest of your argument, it cannot be disputed; and it is equally plain, that "if the sky should fall, we could catch Larks." If men should cease to be governed by money, Engineers of course would cease to build RailRoads. "Othello's occupation would be gone" The Engineer as well as other men is governed by money/ If there be any such thing as a Metaphysical Engineer; perhaps he might be found in those days, like any other visionary theorist, sitting round on the hillsides, planning an aqueduct here or a Tunnel there; but I guess he would find no body even to drive Stakes for him/
Boston Traveller, I am not acquainted with. With all its faults, I must say that I like "Greely's "Tribune"
Who did J.hert?, & Jas. Woodbury marry?
I had a nice long letter from Sister Anne yesterday I should think she was doing finely there, has a fine school and is prosperous in all things, and I guess enjoys herself finely.
She wrote though that she spent Fourth of July in thinking of Down East etc. [upside down] Isaac July 8 to 15, 1849 Pronunciation etc.