real root of the matter. There is certainly a great difference in the Grain of different organizations. Some are so much coarse that there can be no propriety or possibility of assimilating them.
Now I think of it , is there a Boston Agricultural Newspaper "New N.E. Farmer" I guess it was regularly received at your place? Sometime last Winter or Fall; seeing a new issue that pleased me & ?heard just the thing for the locale, I subscribed & ordered it sent to Milo. Haven't thought since to enquire whether it was received, and haven't hear it mentioned.
I take Semi Weekly Tribune, and the "Scientific American" An Old Lady by name of Wells in Shelburne Mass possessed a very old fashioned Engraving of the Metcalf Coat of Arms. Wrote to me immediately just when you will come & be here. If you will pass thro Boston perhaps I will send to you there some commissions to execute there for me Jos. A. Stevens I guess has n't sent that Money to you or me either. I guess he is speculating with it. He has the reputation is reported to the Directors, as the best managed Depot on Vt. & Mass: is Wood Agent besides. Has Humphrey with him. Has gone into trade too. Gypsum Lime & Flour. Cleared $10.00 on Gypsum week before last. What shall I do with my money? Send it to you? I receive regularly $75.00 per mos. To be sure I have to pay horse expenses out of it which allowed the 15.00 So Pay Roll says only $60.00
I.S. Metcalf