of the Rail Road Contractors. There came near being Rebellion among the Contractors of the Greenfield Branch when I left. The Contractor of Masonry, John L. Dawson, who married in Bangor a daughter of Mr. Emerson first City Marshall of Bangor. (the old gentleman has been here with Dawson a year or two. This Dawson, a man I liked much, the best Contractor we had on Vt.& Mass. took quite a liking to me, and tried hard to get me to change my business and go in with him. He had just taken a large job, all the Masonry, bridges and so forth on 15 or 20 miles of this same N.H.C.R.R. and considered that my ability, integrity, & skill, would have been invaluable to him as an agent. To be sure I think he must have had a better opinion of my business capacity, than I have of myself. But undoubtedly he would have done well by me, paid me liberally, and eventually understanding the business, sharing the profits, and getting into Rail Road Contracting myself; I might have become wealthy! Even before my brother Joseph! I Wealth had been my only object, I really believe I should have dared to try it. But just now I am quite encouraged that I did not. I do not know yet whether I shall leave any higher wages here at present that I had last on the Vt. & Mass. $2.00 per diem, and pay my own expenses. Expenses here will be a little less than they were there.
I want much to hear from you immediately about your health and circumstances, feelings and all the news. Where do you board now? & What sort of place etc. etc.