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The very word itself is a lie its idea is the meanest folly, the ?page folded over robbery and Murder. You use the word in a different sense; but in such sense such a thing never existed. An honorable government ?page folded over would never saw: it is a moral impossibility. Man, single man, is a moral being, he may cut word an upright honorable being. But thoo? men together cut word of them is a moral being, together they are not, cannot be moral being. The old proverbe that " Corporations have no ?page folded over is but an axiom. If true of a body corporate, what must it be of a body politic? A nation can no more have ?page folded over conscience than a ten penny nail can have a human heart.

       What is a Whig? What is a Democrat? What is Democracy? What are Whig Principles? Who can answer these questions? It is said that all Educated men without motive, prejudice, or interest to the contrary are Whigs in this Country.

It is certain that the large majority of Educated men are Whigs, and the Boston Post would find fault with Education itself on those grounds Does Whig mean one opposed to Democracy? If so I am one heartily I am not a Democrat even in the best sense of the word. I cannot agree with either Motto "The largest liberty to all". "The government is best when governs least". Is the late great Argument of Danl Webster before the Supreme Court on the Rhode Island case, against Hallett.- are ?page folded over arguments Whig principles versus the Democracy of Hallett? But Dan'l Webster is nearer a Democrat than I am; that is if he utters his real sentiments. Few Public men do when they speak to the people. Their true sentiments would not please the people. Suppose I wanted to go to Congress or wanted any other station in gift of people. How would it do to express my true sentiments. why they might startle even you. Democracy is a government of the people. It is a name dear to the people of this country, as it was to the people of Greece and Rome. It is the mightiest word in the vocabulary of the Demagogue; It has always been. But there are three things in which I have not the slightest faith. The Right of the people to govern themselves. The ability of the people governing themselves, the Expediency of the people governing themselves. Three mighty things rise up in my mind against Democracy. The Word of God, Human Nature. The History of the World. I believe I am not a Monarchist. Though I believe that with one condition an Absolute Monarchy would the best possible of human Governments. I believe I am a Republican, fully so. A Republic is the form of Gov. I favor ?page folded over as a perfect one; it cannot be in this world. or as true in any theory. But all things considered the best, that is the one most susceptible of improvement, and best fitted to this world. A Republican form of Gov. is perhaps the wisest & boldest scheme of man. It is a mighty attempt to remedy Evils by Evils. A mighty scheme of checks & balances. ~