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that I know at the Sem, who I would ask to come here s wish to have come for I dont think they would be contented but you Mary do come, do come & my school now numbers near forty still increasing still have plenty of business it dont seem a burden to do it though I never in my life loved to labor as I do now, nothing seems hard. I have more of these blue fits, like those I had at the Sem. I think you would hardly know me. I weigh many pounds more than when I came. Teach seven hours a day, think nothing of walking off four or five miles after it -- but, but but sometimes Mary I feel just as thought I could not be denied the privilege of staying another year at that Sem. Is it best is a question that every day comes before my mind my heart a good piece of it is there I find still had I better do tell me shall I get down again those musty Latin books, this is all that keeps me from deciding in the affirmative. Things go prosperously now Mary -- Pray for me that i man have grace strength & wisdom given me from on high to guide me aright, pray that I may be cheerful persevering patient that i may never for one moment trust in my own strength, but trust alone in Him who can do all things well. I have charge of a little Sabbath School that I have become very much interested in Good Days

I would love to write ever so many sheets our? to you but now other duties call.