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Tues. eve. Aug. 9th I have just received Joseph's crowded letter, for which, 'all due thanks.' I am - better this week. Did Charles work enough to pay his expenses? Did his work make him sick? why did not he tale a dose of Lobelia, or Hotdrops? what make yet behind with that leetle patch hoeing? Eliab why do not you look after those Michevous little foxes? So it appears that Joseph L.S. is fairly setting up for himself, is he 21 this summer or next? Six month older or younger than I am? Is it a real "they say" about Mrs. Hamlin also? It struck me quite forcibly as a little queer: but on second thought perhaps it would be a very suitable match.

I guess I shall not go a fishing quite yet. perhaps  the Barkers will not go. David is much better. Mark Barker is going off to Sea, though, right off, to Europe, probably.

I guess I shall come home and get the Shirts, perhaps before I send this letter. You ask if I am going to be a Methodist. I believe I should have no objection to being called or being a Methodist, but I am not an Episcopalian. I admire & respect both the Methodists and their doctrines generally; it is true there are men, -?, unstable and imprudent, of more zeal than judgement every where; and of course very many among the Methodists. but methodism, true Wesleyan Methodism- is extremely liberal, ready to yeild every thing and in every thing, except Christ and him crucified. That is the only tenet, which is the real 'sine qua non' of Methodism. It is not a quarrelsome or even sectarian sect; witness its relations with even the Church of England. I find no fault with either Methodist, Baptist, or Congregationalists on the score of doctrine. I have a faculty of harmonizing them all, as they are now held, by the most enlightened at least of each sect; but I dislike the constitution of form of Church government as it is called of one. and am very much opposed to the Close communion of the Baptists, but even these distinctions are I hope, fast melting away. I see by the papers that a Cal. Bap. church in Amesbury, Mass. admits members with the privelege of communing with other Evangelical Churches.

   Lysander wants much to know whether there are any blueberries this year, and when they will be ripe. He has a good deal to say about the 'going a blueberrying'; was much pleased with his visit to Milo last summer, I guess.
I can not tell whether I shall come home this week or next or not till sometime later. I guess I will have a talk with Mr. Cutler tomorrow morning. I have pretty much the whole care of the Carding business, this week