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I have no[w] been at home nearly four weeks. Our N.H. Central R.R. Co. very much embarassed, having nearly suspended operations for a while, and leaving me little or nothing to do, I have quit; much agreed to come back whenever the Corporation is able to start again. I wish they could immediately, for I have thought that if that road were now built through I could do better there than anywhere else; and have been willing to wait some therefor; but still an on the look out for another situation to suit me. My attention has been called to a place in New Brunswick, In the St. Andrews & Quebec R.R. I do not like the country so well, but the Salary is almost double my present pay, 13.00? or 1400.00 per year and all expenses paid. Perhaps I may go there. Do you know anything of the Milwaukie, Wanheska, and Missippi River Rail Road? or of Byron Kilbourne, its President and Engineer. I have not been doing much here at home for three or four weeks, reading and studying, learning Drawing in Perspective a very little; and getting a good deal rested and lasy.

Let us see; Since I wrote to you I guess, I have made a visit round in Mass. Spent a week or two in February around at Greenfield with Mr Field, Grouts with Cousin Joseph & & his wife, Northfield, Warwick, Royalston &c. and had a fine time. Joseph is doing grandly, most popular Station Agent and Depot Master on the Road; has Humphrey with him who is particular to a Montague Belle.  Joseph is bound to do well.  Hannah Parsons I think improving.   Mrs Dickinson's boy Williams has been sick abed a year Rheumatic Fever, and Fever Sores. Hardly likely to recover. Aunt Hannah: Shall? grow no thinner crossed out or heart softer.