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I expect Lucy feels as if she, or me, stood on a little higher ground here that at home, and is afraid school teaching is not a very honorable employment!!! I really do not know what to think about staying here this summer, or about going to Brunswick next fall. Mr. Tash thinks, I had certainly better, says I could nearly support myself by teaching. borrow money without the least risk. I should have chances enough offered to me before I was through of good situations, better than he has here. &c. &c. &c. He was in debt when he came here & most or many are. Which do you suppose he cares the most for, his own honor in sending a good scholar there! or my best interest page torn. I do think however he would not advise one to go page torn if he did not think it would be best for me. I think if I had held only one hundred dollars this fall I would conclude to try. As it is ---------------------&c. Lucy has got along nicely this term in every thing. She is, though I never tell her so, a really smart, talented girl! that are a fact, or I am no judge. She is not the only genius we have here though. I suppose it is of no use to ask you to write, any of you, although I did not know but Joseph might after he got home. He has not been so much influenced by our good company & example though. I have a splendid Recommend for him from Tash if I could send it. In haste, Ever loving I. S. Metcalfe