Fri. June 4 pretty fair cooler. cleaning in cellar. Washed out the little cellar clean. Eve. Lincoln Club and Quartette. Harl back from O. Sat. 5 pretty fair. warmer. a.m. cleaning in cellar etc. p.m. all up to hill-lot. hoed beets and potatoes. Father not feeling well. walked home. said it hurt him to ride. Petunias' bag swollen. milk stringy. Sun. 6. fair Communion. several joined church. S.S. 23. Anniversary of Lake Ave. S.S. big crowd. C.E. Song Service Harl sang duet with H Davies. Harl and Marion led Jail meeting Mon 7 rain. a.m. event down to Lake Ave with wagon and brot up the camp chairs. Filed saw. p.m. set out tomato plants and cauliflower in garden barefoot. Eve. Quartette 8. Tues. 8 fair. a.m. Sawed and split the little pile of maple wood that was lying by cellar door. p.m. Ground scythe at Geo.'s. Cultivated corn south end Hill lot with Bell. Corn only an inch or two high. It has been so cold all the spring that everything is backward. Corn dont grow or anything else hardly