Sending you there! Do you think your health is decidedly improving? Does your heart trouble you as formerly? Does Dr think the palpitation arises from the same cause as your other difficulties? How is your stomach? What a host of questions. You will perhaps say, well there is not one to which I do not wish I had to answer. I expect you will have a nice visit with Jennie and Anna. They left us yesterday intending to be with you tomorrow. Do not visit too hard, but enjoy it as much as you can. Jennie has been quite poorly this vacation, we hoped the trip would do her good, and I know Sarah will be delighted with a visit from Anna. My head is much better than when I last wrote and as Sarah would say, I must mark the hours that shine. I try to, and feel happy today. The house is very still only minestrone home today. Goodbye, much love, from Mary.