104 & thence to Mrs Percevals where we entered when Miss P & La Ponte were in the middle of a long peice of music which was I think very good for shewing execution but not so beautiful however Miss P- sings beautifully I think & so does La Ponte we met there the Adams the Lady Grenville & its P-, the Horts?--Don unclear Mr Ridley, the Conolly's, Mrs & Mr Nivens, Mr Stephen Lawley, & the Liffords, the Percy's, & Lockhearts Capt Grange, & Mr Hestace? some other people who I knew not it was very nice indeed-- Sunday the 12th Poured in torrents Went to church in the morning & heard a sermon from Mr Hutchinson, & Mr French read prayers a day of collection for the poor rather a crowded congregation considering the weather -- remained at home in the evening & Mrs B- read a sermon