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And 2. We must labor, and give of our substance, as God hath prospered us. 3. We must pray. We must pray much, that God would prosper our endeavors. Without His favor, all is vain. Afternoon, Communion Season. March 9, 1851. (Mr. Leonard Parker) Forenoon. Mathew 7. 29. "For he taught them as one having authority and not as the Scribes." These words are found at the close of the Sermon on the Mount, where the feelings of the people are described, with refer? to the instructions they had been receiving. They "were astonished at His doctrine". His words had not been without effect. It was proposed to consider some things which are essential to the under human teaching effective 1. To render human teaching effectual it must be in accordance with God's Word. 2. The truths of God's Word must be presented in proportion. Some minds delight to dwell on the mysteries of the Bible, its curious points. They value it for the historical knowledge, or for the many variations of intellect displayed. They lose sight of the peace of redemption therein revealed. They forget the words of Christ, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, & lose his own soul? 3. There should be an adaptation of this unclear truths to the various necessities and circumstances of our fellow beings. "A word, fitly spoken, is like apples of gold, in pictures of silver." To be able thus to apply God's truth requires a most thorough acquaintance with the Bible, accompanied with constant prayerfulness and untiring effort. 4. The truth must be presented with (earnestness), and (seriousness), and emotion. 5. It must be addressed to the consciousness of men. No preaching will prove effectual unless conscience is unclear A minister