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for the purpose of engaging in proper & Christain worship. These little gatherings are generally known as "cottage prayer-meetings. This object is a very commendable one to me: for it whispers of the olden time, when the Apostles went about from house to house, preaching the Master's word. As usual, at the one in question: "The voice of my father ascended on high," as the old poem goes. Others prayed: & each petition seemed unclear by a true motive. I listened, with much attention to the various remarks were made. Some portions of them suited me; others didn't: for I am somewhat peculiar in my religious views. God has never manifested Himself to my life & soul, as I have every reason to believe He has done to a vast majority of His more faithful followers. As regards certain points perhaps I may be walking in the dark. If so, He knows my heart, & "I will trust & not be afraid." Several of our good, old hymns were sung; & if they did lack a little in perfection & harmony, they sounded sweet & good to my believing ear. I could not write