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right quite abruptly and afterwards wind up the rocky hills to the left and have hilly and rocky ground, for 14 miles to the bluffs of Snake River. The descent is long and in places deep not being less than 3 miles from the top to the river below - Cross over the Ferry to the south side of the River, and follow up stream about 3 miles to the mouth of Tucanon, follow up south side of Tucanon about 2 miles + strike off to the right into the hills for grass; travelling two or three miles to a high summit and camp without water - Stopped at a house about 1/2 mile back, but could not even obtain water for ourselves to drink

Sunday July 25 1880 Set out in a course South Easterly for the head? of the McKay hollow, and soon fell upon a very well beaten wagon road, which led in that direction and following the same soon passed over a summit and descended to McKay settlements, and first water we met was a large and excellent spring on the Davis place - Here we stopped Cooked + eat breakfast, and let our horses graze About 3 miles further down the hollow and then bear off to the left on a branch road and was soon at unknown Home Found Brother Emery? here from Salt Lake - Had not seen him for several years