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it is easier to talk of these things than it is to really get in right relations to God. Most Christians have disjointed lives but we thank God that He is our keeper and He will bring us into port but it is sad to go in with shattered sails and broken masts when under our great commander we might have come with flying colors shouting victory

 Physically I am not strong but able sometimes to get down town. I have not been to Jefferson since last June because I have not felt able, Mary Farnsworth has a little girl born last June, I saw it when a week old. The other little girl had scarlet fever & some trouble with her spine but they think she is improving. Lewis (Clarks second son) married a widow lady a few weeks since and now live in the old house - I hope to go there before long. I do not hear from the NY cousins When you write give them my love

in margin: I have written a long letter for me - Give much love to your wife & children - If I was only nearer I might be able to do something to help them with their loads but I do not seem good for much May God bless you all Affly Your cousin M.A. Roberts