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348 Dec. 14 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1911 347-18



EVENTS:-They will be divided into four classes - Senior, Secondary, Junior and Women-and are open to all organiza- tons in the Amateur Athletic Federation. A swimmer is allowed to compete in one Division; Re- lays, 880 and 440 excepted. Prizes:-Amateur Athletic Federation Championship, Second- ary Fob medals and Junior Buttons all be awarded in the various events as follows: Golf for 1st; Silver for 2nd; and Bronze for third places. All around individual Championship Medals will be awarded to the THREE contestants making the highest num- ber of points in the prescribed All Around Championship events, i.e.: 1-Plunge for distance; 2-Forty yards; 3-Four Hundred and Forty yard swims; 4-either the One Hundred yard Breast or Back Stroke.

A shield will be given in each division to the organization making the highest number of points. Women's division ex- septet.

ENTRY FEES:- Senior and Women's Division: 25 cents for first event; 20 cents for each additional event. Secondary Division: 20 cents for first event; 15 cents for each additional event. Junior Division: 15 cents for first event; 10 cents for each additional event. SCORING:-The following method of scoring will be used in each division-5 points for 1st place, 3 for 2nd; 2 for 3rd, and 1 for 4th. The above scoring method will include the relays.

EVENTS Central Y.M.C.A., Friday, March 7, 1919 19 So. La Salle St.

Senior Div. 100 yard Back Fancy Diving 100 yard Swim

Secondary Div. 40 yard Back 220 yard Sim

Junior Div. 40 yard Breast

Women's Div.

Sinai Social Center, Sat., March 15, 1919 4622 Grand Blvd.

Senior Div. 40 yard Swim Relay Race

Secondary Div. 40 yard Breast

Junior Div.

Women's Div. 40 yard Back 40 yard Breast 100 yard Swim Fancy Diving Plunge

Chicago Hebrew Institute, Sat., March 22, 1919 1258 Taylor St.

Senior Div. 40 yard Swim

Secondary Div. 100 yard Swim Plunge

Junior Div. 40 yard Swim Fancy Diving

Women's Div. 40 yard Swim

Sears Roebuck Y.M.C.A., Wed., March 26, 1919 3210 Arthington St. corner Kenzie Ave.

Senior Div. 100 yard Breast 220 yard Swim

Secondary Div. 40 yard Swim Relay Race

Junior Div. 100 yard Swim Plunge

Women's Div.

Y.M.C.A. College, Saturday, April 5, 1919 5315 Drexel Ave.

Senior Div. 880 yard Swim Plunge

Secondary Div. Fancy Diving

Junior Div. 40 yard Back Relay Race

Women's Div.

The event entered MUST BE DESIGNATED by -X- in the square before the list of events-"X"- ENTRIES WILL CLOSE with the Five Organizations hold- ing the series 4 days preceding the above dates. A separate blank must be sent to each Organization speci- fying only events handled by them, and must be mailed to that Organization. Contestants are eligible according to the rules of the Amateur Athletic Federation to participate in events entered. This entry blank must be signed by an official of the organization desiring to enter contestants for this meet HE MUST USE GREAT CARE IN ENTERING THE MEN THAT THEY SHALL BE PROPERLY PLACED. All contest- ants must report to the clerk of the course by 7 o'clocl the evening of the meet. Contestants are requested to see that swimming suits are in good condition. Supporters must be worn under suits. Secondary and Junior entries will not be accepted unless date of birth appears on this blank. Women must wear a two piece bathing suit with short sleeves and high neck.

NAME DATE OF BIRTH unclear ADDRESS Vouched for by