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it was nearly of the same description as the other we killed several days ago. we found it fat and good meat. Cap. Clark ? walked on shore killed 2 buffaloe and 2 deer (one beaver also) one of the men killed another buffaloe we saw hills on the N.S. partly covred with pitch pine the first we have seen the country begins to be hilley and broken. but very rich soil the bottoms on the river highly covred with cottonwood timber which is filled with game. Some Smoth plains under the hills covred with wild hysop we came 17 miles and camped on the South Side before night on account of dressing the bair which detained us untill night &c. passed 2 or 3 small runs to day. ? Sunday 12th May 1805. a clear pleasant warm morning, we set off soon after sun rise and proceeded on passed the pitch pine hills on the N.S. one of the hunters killed a deer in a bottom on the S.S. Capt Clark killed a beaver in the river. passed a small river on the N.S. the wind rose high from the N.W. we halted about one oc. to dine on the SS opposite the lower point of an island covred with willows in the middle of the river the wind detained us the remainder of the day Some men went out hunting killed some elk and? deer. Camped for the night. ? came blank space miles this day Squawls unclear