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on passed handsome bottoms thinly covered with timber on the river and 138 high beautiful high plains on the N.S. and river hills on S.S. Came 27 miles this day and camped in a timbered bottom on the S.S. one man killd a beaver. we? saw a great deal of beaver Sign and all sorts of game on each side Thursday 9th May 1805. clear and pleasant. all set off at sun rise and proceeded on about 9 o.c. we halted to take breakfast in a beautiful smooth bottom thinly or partly covered with timber on the S.S. Capt. Clark killed two Deer. the game is getting so plenty and tame in this country that some of the men has went up near enofe to club them out of their way. about one oc. we passed the mouth of a large river which came in on the S.S. it is at high water mark about 437? yards wide but the water at this season of the year lingers in the quick sand so that their is none to be seen at the mouth. this river is called blank space we halted to dine. Some of the party killed two buffaloe Proceeded on passed large bottoms covred with timber on ? side of the river saw large gangs of buffaloe and elk on the sides of the hills in the bottoms and on the plains came 25 miles to day and camped at the mouth of a creek (named Warners River) on the N.S. Saw great deal of beaver sign in the course of the day, the country several days back is pleasant the land good