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and came to the unclear of the bend where it is not more than 2 miles across to our Camp of the 19th? unclear after a journey of 35 miles we proceeded on passed black bluffs on S.S. handsom plains on L.S. passed ceeder? bottom on S.S. called Taylors creek. Camped on the L. Side

Saturday 22nd Sept. set off early a foggy morning. passed Some timber on High Plains on L.S. about 3 unclear we passed a ceeder Island one of the 3 unclear where Mr Lawsill? had built a fort of ceeder. it is pickeded in 65 or 70 feet square a Sentery box at the 2 angles corners, the pickets are 13 1/2 feet above Ground? in this square he built a house 45 1/2 by