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out with scurvy." It continued cold during the 26th and in last? we had no more very warm weather while we remained in Anderson. 27th and 28th they removed more prisoners. Thursday September 29th "I suffer constantly now with scurvy." Friday September 30th "As usual nothing but gloomy imprisonment." Saturday October 1st 1864 "Here we lay in our misery." On the 2nd of October I began reading a book called a Description of Africa another called Country Cousins and another called "Least Leaf from Sunny Side". In these I found great relief though my gums pained me continually. All the prisoners on the south side of the creek and many on the north side had left. On the night of the 7th we were to leave but failed. We now suffered greatly from the cold. All the wood which the other prisoners had left was consumed and old worn