133 to Divine Giver of all good in behalf of the poor prisoner now about to be sent to meat his creator.# The prisoner eyes were bandaged, and he took his seat on the coffin shook the hands of the Provost Marshall and Chaplain. the chaplain then passed behind the guard while the Provost Marshall took his stand to the right. The guard was then inspected. After which the commands "Ready," "Aim," "Fire" were given in deliberate succession and the prisoner fell forward on his face. The guard had made bad work of it, and had not shot him quite dead. The reserve was then ordered up close and shot him through the head. After this the brigade passed the body in review and the Regts. filed off to their respective camps. This is the 2d execution I have witnesses and I pray Got it may be the last. It is anything but pleasant to see an individual thus launched into eternity. We had hardly returned to camp before we heard the sound of rogues march and a couple of fellows were drummed through camp with smoothly shaved heads. This punishment was inflicted for forcing safeguard. It looks like military discipline is becoming quite severe in our army when we are called upon to witness two such enforcements of it in one day.
Saturday Oct. 31st Rain in the morning; muster for pay.
- This always did seem like a mockery to me. It sounds like praying, "Lord have mercy on this man's soul for we will have none on his body." Or, "Lord pity this man that we are about to kill." However I doubt not that it is all right and proper, if we will kill him that we should pray for him at least. But I verily believe that there are men who now pray for the souls of such unfortunates, who did they possess the power would pass a law inflicting eternal punishment in the realms of shade for crimes which are now punished with death. What a blessing it is that man's power extends no farther than it does. Man never attempts to judge of motives but bases all his decision on deeds.