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I usually hire a fine carriage for two or three hours and we drive around town; - some day on the far Southside, sometimes North or West. To day we drove from our cottage through Center Avenue to Van Buren street, then through Sangamon to Washington street and, by way of Union Park to Mr? Hesings present residence, 684 West Washington street, between Robey? and Lincoln. We stopped there for half an hour with Mrs Hesing and admired the fine paintings and stairway which they have brought from Italy. For instance, they have a beautiful, life like bust of Mr. Hesing, sculpted from the finest white marble, almost as pure as alabaster, which has cost 1750 francs at? Rome. Again they have large, life-size portraits of young M. Hesing, his wife, and Mrs. Hesing, painted at Rome by our celebrated Chicago artist Healy. They have cost heaps of money, I believe 600 or 800 francs each, but I declare that I shall not waste money in this way, as long as the very best and most elaborately and artistically untouched? life size photograph - portraits can be had at Albert's in Minchen for 100 guilden. It is not im possible that I may have a chance next year to have our pictures taken here; for, among the many plans and schemes which from the subject of our conversations, is the