DCSmith & WFHenry spoke [May 28] Oct 1-76 First killing frost - slight - corn all out of the way 2nd 2º above freezing - dug sweet potatoes - Jerry Cunningham died 3rd Dry/Drug(?) store broken in to - took revolvers + jewelry etc 6th first killing frost 2º below freezing 9th 2-1/2 below freezing - began digging potatoes 12th association closed in evening Dr. Harris Davis (colored) and other spoke in Morton [May 29] 14th went to Peoria - sent $1,000 to Jerald & Gibson Chinoa 15th 8º below freezing - ice 1/2 in thick - John Knox of Knoxville Died 17th visited at Charles Waters in the evening went to Groveland to a Political meeting - Mr. Thomas Crotty spoke 18th rainy day 21st finished picking cider apples & began cribbing corn 22nd another rain [May 30] 25th went to Peoria heard Hon. James A Bli___ from Maine speak from 8 to 10 thousand present torch light procession in the evening 26th heavy frost Jos___ L. James Died in Chicago 28th very hot near 80º finished Lulls corn 29th terrific thunder from 1 oclock till morning - Christian church in Washington struck and burned - and rain not sure the like hardly for a life time 30th warm + showery 31st hear thunder + rain - again 3 nights raining