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More than 3 years have elapsed since my beloved father was carried to his grave yet how often does my heart bleed with anguish when I think that I shall gaze upon those dear features no more. May that he whom I loved so well that my soul seemed so closely interwoven with his that one arrow shot from deaths quiver would have struck at the lifeblood of both, he in whose society I could in any situation be happy, that the remains of that beloved being would now be loathsome to my sight. Oh my father my dear father will I never again behold you has the grave interposed between us shall I never again throw my arms around your neck and imprint upon that familiar face a kiss prompted by tender affection can I receive no more a fond father caress must he who watches over my infancy and my childhood must be my guide and my counsellor be taken forever from my sight --- Oh cruel Death, couldst those not have spared me one parent, a beloved mother sunk into premature grave must thou have the only surviving parent the best of fathers, could not thy grave insatiate be closed or wreaked on some victim who