From Newberry Transcribe
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April 14th Last night we had one of the most violent thunder showers I ever heard it commenced at 9 o'clock in evening and continued until 9 o'clock in the morning, the heavens appeared like a sheet of fire it was one continued glare of lightning it thundered almost incessantly, one long loud and heavy peal would pass over our heads and before that had died away in the south another would succeed which would seem to burst the very heavens asunder, what in awful solemnity possessed the mind during such a solemn scene and who can witness it without being fairly struck with the power and majesty of God none but those who are hardened in iniquity and in whose minds the thoughts of God never enter, but who can view it without fear, who will not involuntarily quake with dread at the exhibition of such a subliminal and awful scene, None but those who see in that (as in everything in this life) the hand of an Omnipotent those who can't say it is God my father thunder in the sky and why should I fear such can enjoy so sublime a spectacle without an emotion of fear it elevates them and mind fills them with increasing rapture, joy and adoration for the Being whom they worship they look on with calmness and are