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left alone while they returned for the others I got out and wandered around in the wild woods of Indianna. My thoughts naturally reverted to the home of my youth and I longed to be there but I am far from it in a wilderness. I cannot be therein I cannot see those I love I must be contented among strangers in a strange land. Our peoples work at length got the other waggons there Kept on through the woods 9(miles since we have been where there was a farm clearing.) Wednesday 10th Last night could not get at a house night overtook us in the woods ? are very bad had its pick out our way through the woods we crowded in to our waggons which shelters us from the ? Dew in this country heard the wolves howling about us very pleasant this morning the woods are perfumed with the odours of the spice bark? which grows very plentifully here. Breakfasted at a private house and we never partook of a repast that tasted better and we had been without provisions since the morning before. This afternoon forged through Gremouth? found the roads rather better stopped at a private house to morrow expect to go through another black swamp I dread it.