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to day as any here since I came from home talked with J- & A- about ? our former companions it gave rise to melancholy reflections and my thoughts involuntarily turned upon scenes past and those from whom I was separated for a long time. Oh how ? are you to be with them but it is impossible it seems to me as if cannot live with out seeing them in less time than I anticipate; how can I content myself to settle among strangers so far from my friends the future now presents to me but a melancholy prospect those around me are happy they do not know what I feel (God grant they never may) they laugh at me for being homesick but if ever they should besituated as I am they will know that there is anguish in being separated from family and friends it true I have a kind affectionate companion who does all in his power to make me contented and and happy but that does not compensate me for the loss of all other dear freinds. Oh that I had a heart that could be happy in any circumstances but that must come from God and I have strayed far from him who has promised to be my Father. Oh that he would make me sensible of my suitation in relation to him and give an humble heart that would not murmur at his dispensations. Had a very pleasant shower this afternoon it laid the dust which made it more comfortable riding put up for the night 5 from Cleveland. Monday the 18th Rode 9 miles to Mr. Hubbard an acquaintance of Mr. Roberts where we breakfasted made