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recital of another woes will call forth the pitying tear Friday May the 27th Rode 3 miles on horseback to see a freind felt a slight pain in my side in the afternoon started for home about dark the pain in my side increased to such a degree that it was with difficulty I rode home it soon became so violent that I thought I could not live sent immediately for a physician. Distant six miles suffered the most extreme pain untill the came and afforded me some releif thought of my past-life had some serious thoughts on death, judgement, and eternity. this morning found myself much better continued so during the day. Sunday 29th a pleasant day could not enjoy it on account of my ill health. Monday the 30 have suffered a good deal today with the pain in my side felt unable to stand but was obliged to exercise myself a considerable. Teusday the 31st Called a Doctor last night felt extremely weak today with much severe pain in my side thought much of my beloved brother. ? who in sickness much depend upon the charity of strangers. O what a blessing is home where kind parents can watch over sick beds I have the best attention and am treated with much kindness, yet I feel that "be it ever so humble there is no place like home, we know then that our wants are relieved by those whose duty and whose pleasure it is to help us.