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This Indenture Made this 11th Day of July Annoy Domini 1732: Between Joseph Wickennuck of Rochester in shorthand for "the" County of Plimouth within shorthand for "the" Province of the Massachusets Bay in New England Indian Labourer of the one part: And Will'm Tunniclift? of Harwick in shorthand for "the" County of Barnstable in shorthand for "the" aforesd Province Merchant shorthand for "the" other party: Witnesseth That I shorthand for "the" unclear Joseph Wickennuck for & in Consideration of shorthand for "the" full sum of Forty Pounds in good Bills of shorthand for "England" to me in hand paid before shorthand for "the" Ensealing and Delivery of these Presents by shorthand for "the" unclear Will'm Tunniclift shorthand for "the" the Receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge. And thereof and every part & parcel thereof do acquit and discharge him shorthand for "the" L? Will'm Tunniclift his Heirs and Assigns for ever by These Presents Have given granted bargained Aliened and Confirmed unto him shorthand for "the" L? Will'm Tunniclift and To his Heirs and Assigns for ever a certain Tract of Up-Land Scituate Lying and being in Rochester afores'd Which I bought of my Father John Wickennuck Containing by Estimation Nineteen Acres & three quarters more or less together with all my other Rights in unclear Rochester. To Have and To Hold shorthand for "the" so Granted and bargained Premises with all shorthand for "the" appurtenances and Priviledges to shorthand for "the" same belonging on in or any wise appertaining to him shorthand for "the" J? Will'm Tunniclift and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. To his and their only use benefit and behoof for ever, And I shorthand for "the" L? Joseph Wickennuck do hereby promise for me my heirs and Assigns to and with shorthand for "the" L? Will'm Tunniclift and o his heirs and Assigns unclear before and Until shorthand for "the" Ensealing and delivery of these presents I am shorthand for "the" true sole and Lawfull owner of shorthand for "the" same and had in my self good Right fullvower? and Lawfull Authority to dispose thereof as above unclear and that the L? Will'm Tunniclift his Heirs and Assigns may at all Times for Ever hereafter quietly and peacefully use occupy unclear and Enjoy shorthand for "the" so Demised Premises free and Clear of all Intanglements by Force and Virtue of these Presents. Furthermore I shorthand for "the" L? Joseph Wickennuck for my [[unclear - cut off] and Meaning of Grantor and Grantee in cut off any thing herein contained to shorthand for "the" Contrary Nocut off that if shorthand for "the" above named Joseph Wickennuck, cut off unclear or Assigns do well and truly pay cut off Unto shorthand for "the" above named Will'm Tunniclift or to cut off unclear or Assigns shorthand for "the" Just and full Sum of cut off in good Bills of unclear and passable in shorthand for "the" aforeto cut off shorthand for "the" tenth day of July in the Year of our Lord [[cut off] Hundred and Thirty four Then this above cut off or Obligation and Every Clause and Article therein cut off Null and Void and of None Effect, or Else shorthand for "the" same cut off full Force & virtue Sealed with my Seal cut off shorthand for "the" Day and Year first above written

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of us Philip Selew John Selew

Unclear on shorthand for "the" Day and year above cut off shorthand for "the" above Named Joseph Wickcut off appeared and acknowledged cut off and within written unclear cut off Act of Deed before me cut off

Received and Recorded July 31: 1833 - with cut off Deeds for the County of Plymouth Book cut off 46 - - And unclear Josiaj cut off