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To all people to whom unclearunclear shall unclear Jacob [Crook?] Julian of your oath in the county of unclear in Newfoundand [foundeth?] greeting of Know yee that the unclear Jacob Crook for and in [confidence?] at the sum of six pounds unclear pay to me in hand before the unclear delivery of the unclear well and truly paid by Joseph unclear unclear Elisha unclear all within the jurisdiction or [warde?] of unclear in the county affore said unclear the receipt where of unclear Jacob Crook do by these unclear acknowledge my self there with fully satisfied unclear paid and there of unclear of unclear unclear of [to?] acquit [exonorate?] unclear discharge them the unclear Joseph unclear Elisha unclear their every of their heirs executors, administrators, every of them for ever. by these unclear gave freely and absolutely given granted unclear forgiveness of said [Eufotted?], unclear and by these unclearunclear fully clearly and absolutley give grant [bargaine?] full unclearunclear, unclearunclear them the said Joseph unclear [manoah?] Ellise, [Elisha?] Eldrey their , every of their heirs and [Assignes?] for ever all that my parcell of land, meadow fresh , fast broken, unclearunclear fifty acres be it more or less. all which is lying , being between a parcell of land that was formerly Humphrey [Judioussand?], bounded by the sea, by the salt water pond, ranging to another pond called unclear pond, so bounded by the brook that runs towards [maltachue?],unclear so to the sea, bounded by [yarmouths?] old unclear and all the estate right title unlear possession property claim, unclear what unclear of me the Jacob Crook in or to the same together with all, singular the rights members [profits?]unclearunclear to the same belonging or in any [wise?] unclear unclear all the [so?] land, meadows in , by these unclear unclear or intended to be granted should, confined unclear the [sir?] Joseph unclear, Elisha Eldreg their [every?] of their heirs, [assignes?] for ever. and that the [sir?] Jacob Crook at the time of the [ensealing?] and deliverence of these [prints?] hath full power [good?] right and unclear authority to grant [bargain?] unclear and unclear all, singular unclear before hereby granted unclear with their, every of their unclear [their?] the [sir?] Joseph unclearunclearunclear their, every of their unclear [assignes?] in unclear, unclear affore to. And that free, [clear?], freely, clearly ascuitted exonorated, discharged or otherwise from time to time unclear, sufficiently saved, kept unclear by we the unclear Jacob Crook my heirs executors, and administrators of and from all, and all manner of former and other gifts, grants, bargains, sales, unclear mortgages [dowers?] of, from all, singular other titles, troubles, charges, demands, incumberances what so ever had made , committed or done or to be had made unclear omitted unclear or done by me the said Jacob Crook my heirs or assignes or by any other unclear or person what so ever lawfully claiming by from or under me, them, or any of them or by mine or their unclear act unclear title unclearunclear or procurement and that they the said Joseph unclear and their, every of their heirsand assignes shall or may br force, unclear of these unclear from time to time and at all times for ever here after lawfully, peaceably, quietly have unclear occupy, possess, unclear of all the [so?] fifty acres of land, meadows with its rights members and unclear, have receive, take the unclear, profits there of to their unclear and their own property, unclear for ever without any lawfull unclear suit trouble, denial, interuption, unclear or disturbance of we the unclear Jacob Crook, my heirs or assignes, or by our or any of our unclear act consent title [intrest?] unclear or procurement. unclear where of , like said Jacob Crook have here [unto?] self my hand and seal this twenty [seventh] day of february unclear one thousand six hundred ninety and two signed sealed and delivered