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To all people to whom this present writing shall com Seachimus Indian Seachim of Seatucket in the county of Barnstable in the government of New Plimouth in New England send greeting know you that I Seachimus Seachim of Seatucket above saide have sould unto John Wing and John Dillingham and Benelm? Winslow and Thomas Clark and Paule? Sears and Annanias Wing and Joseph Wing? ^[[interpolated text above the line follows: to each man according to such Template:Proposition? as is to him already betwixt Template:Uncertain]] A parcell of lands lying and being upone the Southerly sid of Seatucket greate ponds for and in consideration of seaven pounds in curant mony of New England to me the above said Seachimus payed in hand by John Wing and John Dillingham and the Rest of theire parteners above named of Sesuit in the libertyes? of Yarmouth in the County of Barnstable in the Jurisdiction of New Plimouth in New England foresaide. Whereof and wherewith I do acknowledg my selfe fully satisfied satisfied and payed and thereof and of every pece? and parcel thereof doe exonerate Aquit and discharge the saide John Wing and John Dillingham and all theire above mentioned partners theire heirs and either? of theire heirs executiors Administerators Assosiats and assigns and Every of them for ever Buted and Bounded as followeth Begining upone the middle of Seatucket mill Dam and from thence Ranging upon A Straight line due South til you Com to the South Sea and from thence Ranging Along by the Sea Side weasterly to the midle of the Lorring? River mouth which is the Bounde between Seachimus: and Nepiaton? and from thence Ranging northerly along the midle of the River as the river runeth to A marked tree which stands by the Saide River Side neare to John Bells hous which is the Bounde between the Saide Seachimus and nepiathan? afore Saide and from thence Ranging northerly to A marked tree which stands at the head of the upermost greate pond above Saide which is the bounds between S'd Seachimus and s'd nopiaton? and from thence Ranging north Easterly thrugh the midle of the Saide Seatucket ponds to Seatucket mill dam which is the first bounds above mentioned to them the Said John Wing and John Dillingham m: theire associats or partners above saide to them and either of theire heirs heirs forever and by those presons have freely and absolutly given granted bargained sould aliened enfeoffeofed and confirmed and by these presents doe give grant Bargaine soll Alien enfeofe and Confirme unto the Saide John Wing and John Dillingham of Seasuit in the Bounds of yarmouth above saide in behalfe of them selves and theire Assosiats or partners abovesaide theire and every theire heirs and assigns forever all that my tract of lands both uplands and meadows Butted and bounded as abovesaide with all the profits priviledges timber woods underwood feedings and apurtainances what soever to the saide bargained tracts of lands belonging or any ways appertaining only heare is excepted in the Sale some tracts of lands which lyeth with the saide bounds which are affolloweth A tract of land sould to Edward Sturges and a parcel of lands which Garshom Hall is settled upone and A parcel sold to Thomas Borman? and A Parcel sould to great Daniel: Indian of Seatucket which lyeth upone the Southermost side of the great pond which is A litle parcel of upland which is encompased Round all to A narow passage goeing on upone it the saide pond lyeth upone one side of it and soe the Rest of it is serounded with Swamp only these parcels of thesse lands are excepted in the Sale but the other of the lands within the above Saide Bounds no in this exception. I the saide Seachimus have sould and all my Right title estate and Claime to on in the Saide Bargained tract of lands or other the Saide Bargained premeces to have and to hould all the Saide Bargained premesses and every theire Apurtainances unto them the Saide John Wing and John Dillingham theire parteners and assosiats there and every theire heirs and Assigns forever and to there and every their proper use and behoofe for ever and I the Saide Seachimus doe for me Selfe and my heirs and executors Administerators Covenant and grant to and with the Saide John Wing and John Dillingham theire heirs and assosiats and their heirs and every theire heirs and Assigns that at the time of ensealing and delevery of these presents that I have full poure Just Right and lawfull Authority to grant Bargaine and Confirm all the saide premesses in and by these presents mentioned to be granted and confirmed in maner and form aforesaide acording to the tru intent and meaning of these presents and with warrantie against all persons whatsoever for by or under me or any of my heirs or for any other Indian them above mentioned or expresed lawfully Claiming any Right title use or intrest in to the Saide bargained premesses or any parte or parcel thereof and that it shall be lawfull to and for the Said John Wing and John Dillingham theire heirs Assosiats or assigns to enrowll or cause to be enrowlled or Recorded these presents in his - obscured Theire Majestyes Court of New Plimouth or any other place of Recorde acording to the usuall maner and order of Recording and evidenes in such Case provided in witnes whereof I the Saide Seachimus Indian have hereunto Set too my hand and Seal this eighteenth of February superscript - Anno on thousand six hundred and eighty and nine: ninty

Signed Sealed and Delevered in the Presence of us - obscured with the words in brackets to each man according to such proportion as is to him already devided betwixt bound brook and stoney? river close brakcets enterlined under the third line before Ensealing hereof?

/s/ John Thacher: /s/ Lydia? Thacher

in line with first signature The mark subscript large broad capital "A" - image of Sachamus apparent remnant of seal The above said Sachamus apeared the 20th day of Ferbruary 1689 and acknowledged this Testament? to be his act and deed before. /s/ John Thacher Assist