To All People to whom these Presents Shall Come. Robin Indian of Mattacheese in Barnstable In the Government of fo New Plymouth in New-England and Sarah my wife Daughter of Nepoieton Late Sachem of Mattacheese afores'd deceased Sendeth greetings &c: Know yee, that we the Said Robin and Sarah as well to end all disturbances between us and the p'ties hereafter in these Presents mentioned and for and In Consdieration of five pounds and five Schilling to us in hand paid by John Wing and Lieut. John Dillingham of Sequetuck. In the Lyberties of Yarmouth In the Coloney of New Plymouth Aforeto Yeoman whereof and wherewith we do acknowledge ourSelves fully Satisfyed and paid and thereof and of every Part and Parcel thereof do exonerate acquit and discharge the to John Wing and John Dillingham their heirs and either of their heirs executors administrators associates and assigns and everyone of them forever by these Presents have freely absolutely given granted bargained sold aliened enfeoffed and confirmed, and by these Presents do give grant bargain sell aliene enfeoffe and confirm until John Wing and John Dillingham in behalf of themselves and their Associates or p'teners their and every their Heirs and Assigns forever,
All that our Tract of Lands - both Uplands and Meadows which we have in Comon or ptnership with Sampson and Ralphe Indians of Nobscussett in Right of their wives Manatotomush and Penasemuske Daughters of Nepoyeton Afores'd, the s'd Tract of Land lying and being in the liberties or Constablerick of Yarmouth Afores'd Containing all that Land lying between the place Comonly Called Boundbrooke on the west and the Middle of Saguetuchett River on the East from the North Sea to the South Sea according to the Known bound, thereof together with all the p'fits Priviledges Timber Wood, under wood, feeding, and Appurtenances whatsoever to the sd Bargained Track of Land, belonging or any ways Appertaining excepting a small percele of Land Claimed by Robin of Saquetuckett If he make out his Rights thereto) and all our Right Title Estate and Claime to or in the so Bargained Tract of Land, or Other the so bargained Premises. To Have & To Hold all the so Bargained premises and every their Appurtenances unto them the so John Wing and John Dillingham yryr? ptners and assosciates their and every their Heirs and Assigns for ever, and to their and every their pper use and behoof for ever, and we the so Robin and Sarah do for ourselves ptrners & associates & their and every of their heirs and assigns that att the Time of Ensealing and delivery of these presents that we have full Power Just Right and Lawfull Authority to grant, bargain and Confirm all the so unclear in and by these presents mentioned to be granted and confirmed in Manner and form aforesd according to the true Intent and meaning of these presents, And wth Warrantie against all psons whatsoever from by or under us or either of us, our or either of our Heirs or from any other Indians then above mentioned or excepted, Lawfully Claiming and Right Title use or Interest In ye? so Bargained pemisies or any pte or percel thereof, and that it shall be Lawfull to and for the so John Wing or John Dillingham their Heirs Associates or Asigns to Enroll or Cause to be Enrolled or Recorded these presents in his Maj'ties Court of New Plymouth or anyother place of Record, According to the usual Manner and order of Recording Evidence, in such case pvided. In Witness whereof we these Robin & Sarah have here unto sett our hands and Seale this first of March Anno Domi: One thousand six hundred seventy and six/seven. Signed Sealed and DD In Presense of Thos Hinkley Senr Robt. Davis I his mark Benjamin Lumbart RoBin Indian & Their Seal Sarah mrke seal-image