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653 I Josiah wampatuck do acknowledge and confess that I have sould two platts of land unto Mr. Timothy Hathorby? Mr.James wadworth ? Mr. Joseph ?ilim? Humphray Guvnor? William Hatch John whord? James Roxy for the propor ? and behoofd of the inhabitants of the town of Sittuate ? bee in Joyed by thom acording to the fr? intent of the English grants the one parcel of which Land is bounded from the mouth of the North River ? as ? good? The Indin head River from ? as the the River goos unto the of arons? pond from Arons? pond by the Lino sott? by the commishon and as the bounds Cout? the to Jurisdictions untill it moo to witr?

A Line of the Land south by mo? unto the shoars of Imhassett? and As that line runs bee tween the town Lands and the Aforeg? Land untill it come? into the sea and soo along by the sea unto the mouth of the North River aforesd  the other parcel of Land Lines one the estterly side of the North River beginning at the Lot that was Sam Aims? the Land of John ford and so to run two? miles upon a straight -- line southerly as the River runs and a mile in Length forward page torn oft for which poofe? of Lands  I doo Aknowledge and have - - ?roud of the men whose names are fore mentioned fourteene pounds in fulll satisfaction in the beehalfs of the inhabitants of the town of Sittuate  as Aforesd and I do hereby ex?amis? and ingage to give su?h further Enodontee? before the Governor as the town of sittuate shall think? mostd?    when I am  thereunto xd  inquired?  In witnes ? of I have now? unto Gott my hand in the presents of us

Nathaniel Morten? Edmund Haws? or Hans? E?? Hagh?

                                                                                                                                                                      Josiah Wampatuck his mark
 This ^ above written ? is a hand coppy  All      unclear

And is Examined and Compared with Court Record at plimouth May 12th 1698.

       pr    Samuel Sprague  Clon?