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requested to appoint any one of the said Persons as aforesaid. And be it enacted that the Interest accruing on any Certificate issued in virtue of this Act sahll be paid annually by the said Treasurer if required and such Certificate may be discounted of any public Agreement and if any subject of this State shall within or withuot this State and if any person shall within this State Forge or Counterfeit any certificate issued in virtue of this Act or shall alter the Sum expressed in any such certificate oor shall pass in payment any such Counterfeit or altered Certificate knowing the same to be Counterfeit or altered and shall be thereof convicted in the General Court of this State or shall stand mute or peremptorily challenge above the number of a Twenty of the unclear Person shall suffer Death as a felon without the benefit of clergy. And be enacted that every Certificate issued in pursuance of this Act shall be printed and struck in the following Form and with such devices and marks as the said Commissioner may think will best prevent Counterfeits and shall be signed by him and countersigned by the Clerk. The State of Maryland image This certifcate shall entitle the Bearer to receive from the State of Maryland the sum of current Money with Interest annually at th rate of sipher cent for Annum according to an Act of assembly entiteld "An Act for [[unclear] "Circulation certain Bills of Credit emitted by the Act of Assembly. Issued at the City of Annapolis on the day of 1780

Countersigned Clerk By the House of Delegates December 30, 1779 Read and unclear to By Order By Order J. Duckett S. unclear

Commissioner By the Senate December 30, 1779 Read and unclear to By Order H. Ridgely

Tho Jim Lee In Testimony that the aforegoing is a true Copy from the original Act of the General Assembly of the State of Maryland Recorded in the General Court Office of the said State. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Seals of the said Office this unclear day of March Anno Domini 1780 Tho Brooke Hodgkin Esq.