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up the Establishment of the Supply Camp on the Otter, there being no troops to take care of it. If these troubles continue however, it will be advisable to Establish such a Camp and beyond even the Otter. My recollection of the terms of the Contract with the transportation - contractor is, that he can be required to take supplies beyond the Posts a hundred and fifty miles. If this ve so, the supplies for such a Camp can be loaded at unknown and taken directly to it, and there will be no necessity for purchasing additional mules. In this event I would bring up some Infantry from Fort Brown, I wish you would have Supplies for MacRenze's command sent to Camp supply, he may unknown over there- say thirty days for five hundred men and animals. The Born Contractor here informs me, that there need be no anxiety about born here after the 12th inst. when his trains begin to arrive. Buell camped fifteen miles from here last night and I hope with be in before the maid leaves = 12 o'clock today = I can then inform you what orders he has from McRenze's. I shall not interfere with any definite orders he may have received from him, as it may derange his plans. When Daridson's Command get off Sunday date th? I shall go to the Wichita Agency to see how affairs are there. Will return here on Saturday. Buell's command will have to be fitted out with supplies from this past?, I presume. I can be done. He is very short of transportation for his Command, has thirty wagons. I do not believe he can carry over fifteen days supplies though will last twenty if necessary twenty days, and will enable him to reach MacRenze's Supply Camp, where MacRenze's can, if he desires, add to his transportation. The Enclosed copy of a letter from Captain Lawson, Commanding at Wichita Agency is this moment received and is respectfully enclosed. Buells is just in. I find that his operations are not limited by any specific instructions from MacRenzie and shall therefore arrange him hereafter as to his future movements. The mail is waiting and I will write further by the Friday! mail, very respectfully yours, (Sgd) C.C. Ayer Big General unknown,