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Division of the Missouri: By Command of General Sherman, (Sgd) Ino. M. Bacon Colonel unclear A. D. C. 3th Endorsement Hdqrs. Mil Div. of the Mo. Chicago, Sept. 11, 1874 Respectfully transmitted to the Commanding General Department of Texas. By Command of Lt. General Sheridan:(Sgd) RI. Drum Rec'd unclear Sept. 19'74 Asst Adjutant General 4th Endorsement Hdqrs, Dep't of Texas Fort Sill, I.I., Sept 26, 1974 Respectfully returned to Headquarters Mil. Div. of the Mo, The Hon. Secretary of State is quite correct in his assumption as to the purpose of my anticipated interview with General Fuero. Nothing further was intended or expected by me. I have heard nothing since from Gen'l Fuero on the subject of this interview, but should he designate a time and place for it, as suggested in my letter, I fear that my detention here by Indian trouble will prevent its taking place. Subsequently however another meeting may be arranged for, and in that event, I will bear in mind the suggestions of the Hon. Secretary if State, and obtain if practicable the desired information. (Sgd) I. I. Augur L. S. 636.& 3187 D.I. '74 Brigadier General Commanding Hdqrs. D. I.,, San Antonop, Tex. Aug. 11, 1874. Fuero, Señor Don Carlos Fuero, Gen'l in Chief 1st Brigade, 5th Division, Mexican Army, Saltillo, Mexico. General, Your letter of July 4th. 1874, addressed to General Mackenzie has been referred to me by that Officer, as he thinks it was sent to him under a misapprehension as to his authority and command, which are embraced within that of this Department and includes but a portion of the Rio Grande frontier. I am happy to learn, General, from your letter, that your Government is taking effective measures by sending federal troops to the line of the Rio Grande, to break up the stealing and marauding which has been going on this for so long a time. I can truly say, it will be a great pleasure to me to cooperate with so distinguished a soldier as yourself in restoring peace and quietness to our common frontier.